Monday, April 4, 2016

OUAT 5x15: "The Brothers Jones"

This review isn't about the latest episode of Once Upon a Time, but rather the one directly before it. Now, without further ado, I present to you my take on the 5x15 episode, "The Brothers Jones."

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched this episode and don't want it to be spoiled for you, then DO NOT READ ON.

I very much enjoyed this episode. Many of my friends actually found it quite boring, but I think Liam Jones' appearance was something that was bound to happen.

So let's address the elephant in the room: CaptainSwan. I admit that I was concerned that Killian had blindly trusted Liam, who treated Emma with discontent. Much like Emma told Regina, Liam is extremely self-righteous, which he doesn't have the right to be. Why act all high and mighty if you're actually selfish and a liar? I guess he picked it up from Rumple the first time he went to hell.

Luckily though, Emma and Hook ended up working it out. I was so excited when Hook admitted that he intended to have a future with Emma once they defeated Hades. I think that more writers of shows should take this situation in consideration. It is so much more pleasing to see a couple go through something tough and then end up happily when the episode is over. But putting us through severe pain in order to see happy moments again (trust me, it's happened)? That's not a good idea.

There's something that's been bugging me about Henry's situation lately. I understand that resurrecting Cruella would not have been the best idea, but I'm getting really annoyed by the Charming-Mills family. I don't like how whenever Henry is slightly detached, they make some snarky comment about him being "an emo teenager". I mean, what did they think was going to happen? Henry is growing up and is constantly neglected by the others, being told to stand watch when he could help. He is not a little kid anymore, and it bugs me that Regina and Emma are still holding him so close when he can take care of himself. My parents don't do that to me!

That's all for now. I'll update soon about the latest episode of Once Upon a Time when I get the chance.

May you find peace in your fandoms.


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