Friday, March 25, 2016

OUAT 5x13: "Labor of Love" & 5x14: "Devil's Due"

Hi guys!! Sorry that I missed out on writing about the next episode of OUAT last week. But don't worry! I'm going to write about it now along with the latest episode. I also just want to warn you that I'm changing the style of these reviews; instead of talking about everything that happened, I'm just going to highlight the parts I liked best and share my general opinion (the previous way was a bit tedious).

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched these episodes and don't want them to be spoiled for you, then DO NOT READ ON.

5x13: "Labor of Love"

I was really really pleased with this episode. The use of Hercules was something that I was looking forward to ever since it was announced that Jonathan Whitesell would play the handsome demigod. I also really loved the flashback of young Snow and Hercules' friendship (and more). I won't lie to you; my brain was screaming "OTP" at the two. I don't care what anyone says, Snowcules (Snow and Herc) was a sweet young love and my heart burst when they kissed.

In addition, Hook didn't fail to amaze. I was touched that he helped Meg out of the prison even though it meant more punishment from Hades. Hook's heroicness has been extremely prominent throughout the season, and I couldn't be prouder of my little cinnamon roll (if you're thinking I'm crazy at this point, get used to it-it's a fandom thing).

To be frank, I really didn't like Meg. She was a whiny wimp and I know that Herc and Meg get together in the Disney version, but it was not a good pairing in this episode. Unfortunately, I don't think Herc is going to come back because at the end of the episode he finished his business and moved on to Olympus. And while I'm happy for my other little cinnamon roll, I'm definitely going to miss him. :(

5x14: "Devil's Due"

Once again, I was very pleased with the episode. I was so happy for Regina when she found out that Daniel had moved on. I may or may not have shed a tear when she gave him a little speech......Moving on....

Many people found that Milah's presence in the Underworld was a problem. I, however, didn't mind. I actually found it quite comical when Milah said to Emma, "You've been with my former lover and my son?" But after they resolved that issue, I was happy to see Emma and Milah work together to save Hook without any jealousy.

As for Hook, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM THAT HE'S OK. When Emma saved him, my heart was bursting from the cuteness. "You're impossible." "And you love me for it." IF THAT DOESN'T SCREAM OTP THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOES.

I have a few choice words for Hades and Rumple, but seeing as this isn't the appropriate place to vent, I'll try to keep it PG. Hades (although I love his sass) is a vindictive man. He used Rumple's past to make him do his bidding. However, Rumple definitely deserves it. I can't believe that Rumple (in the flashback) decided Milah's future for her and (in the Underworld) didn't even apologize for killing her. I mean, no wonder Milah hated him so much. I feel like Belle doesn't deserve to lose her child because of Rumple's unwise decisions. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Belle and Rumple are a terrible couple.

Also, SNOW, REGINA, AND EMMA ARE NOW FORCED TO LIVE IN THE UNDERWORLD BY HADES. Just thought I would throw that in there.

Well, that's my review! This format was a lot easier to write, so I hope it works for you guys, too. Be sure to watch the next episode of Once Upon a Time to see if Hook can choose between his long lost brother or his true love (it better be Emma or I will have words).

May you find peace in your fandoms.


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