Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Wow....I!!!! That was a pretty epic start to the second half of season 5!

DISCLAIMER: If you haven't watched this episode and do not want it to be spoiled for you, then DO NOT READ ON.

I'm not going to lie when I say that my entire existence led to Sunday night's OUAT premiere, and for good reason too.

So it all started off with Emma waking up in her car to see Neal beside her. Neal tells her that she won't find him in the Underworld because it's a place for people with unfinished business, and he had none. He told her to turn back because, even though she loves Hook, the Underworld is a tormenting place that was not to be messed with. Emma woke up from this "fantasy moment" and found herself on the Charon's ferry.

Next, the gang stepped into the Underworld themselves, taking in the strange resemblance to their beloved Storybrooke. Snow tried to give a visual description to a blind woman (the witch from Hansel and Gretel) ended up mixing her husband up with his evil twin brother. I don't care what anyone says, but this absolutely cracks me up.

In addition, Rumple went to his shop to look for things that might "help" in their endeavor. The charming Peter Pan made an entrance to visit his dear old son. Pan wanted Rumple to help him trade places with one of the other living souls that came down to the Underworld so that he could spend time with his beloved son. Rumple knew what was good for him (for once) and refused his father's request. Although this is the right decision, I have to admit that I'll be missing the dashing Lost Boy. Anyway, as a peace offering, Pan left Rumple a potion that would allow contact with anyone in the Underworld. We'll get back to that...

Regina encountered her mother, who told her that she should turn and leave, taking Henry and Robin with her. However, Regina confessed that she couldn't leave Emma to finish the quest to find Hook on her own. Eventually, Cora told Regina that she would throw Henry Sr. (Regina's father) into the depths of fiery hell (keep in mind that hell and the Underworld are different places). Regina simply did not let that happen. Henry Sr. and Henry Jr. had a grandfather/grandson moment which absolutely melted my heart. Eventually, Henry Sr. took care of his unfinished business, being able to walk to heaven. I think it's safe to say that Henry Sr. stole the show.

Back to the potion thing: Rumple gave the vial to Emma and told her what it could do. Basically, you have to pour the liquid over someone's grave in the Underworld and then you'll be able to communicate with them. The gang figured that if they could do this, they could directly ask Hook where he was and cut out the middle man. Unfortunately, Hook's image was projected, but Emma couldn't get through to him (basically the equivalent of the signal dropping while you're on a call). But wait! There's more pain! Hook appeared beaten up, his left eye swollen with blood dripping down his face. Sources confirm that we'll gain insight on this soon.

As for Cora, she got into trouble. Apparently, it was crucial for her to send Regina out of the Underworld, but she failed in doing so. Can you guess who put her up to this task? That's right folks, the one and only Hades. I'm not quite sure why this was so important to Hades, but he was pretty mad, enough to revert Cora back to the version of herself she hated most: the miller's daughter. If I haven't said it to my friends enough, I'll say it again: Hades is sassy and I absolutely love it.

Well, that about wraps it up for this post. Be sure to check out the promo video for the next episode, the link of which you can find on my page. Don't forget to watch Once Upon a Time this Sunday at 8 pm on ABC!

May you find peace in your fandoms.


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