Friday, February 26, 2016

Everything Wrong with the HP Movies Part 3

Hello! It's been a while since I made a blog post about this subject, but I figured, what's the harm in doing another?

DISCLAIMER: I actually love the Harry Potter movies and have seen them at least a couple dozen times, but there's just so many things the movies got wrong!

Part 3: Voldemort's Death

  • In the movies, when Harry defeated Voldemort, the villain in question started to turn into an explosion of butterflies or something, which is just a tiny bit off.
  • In the seventh book, Voldemort died as Tom Riddle, meaning he died as a HUMAN. 
  • This aspect of the story is quite symbolic because it represents that even the greatest of villains are still people, and they still die a human death. This shows that, at the core, Voldemort was still just an evil man with terrible intentions.
I know this was a short list, but I had to make sure I talked about it eventually because this aspect of the book-to-movie transition really bothered me. However, be warned! Once Upon a Time starts back up next Sunday so I won't really be talking about any other fandom than that unless I deem it necessary. Although, I do hope you can agree with my views of the slight misinterpretations found in the Harry Potter movies!

May you find peace in your fandoms.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

As promised, I'm bringing all you lovely viewers up to date on the information released about the play written by our beloved JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

The Cursed Child basically picks up from where we last saw Harry: saying goodbye to his sons as they went off to Hogwarts. This play tells the story of Harry and Albus, who's just starting his magical education. Here's what we know about the casting so far:

  • Jamie Parker is set to play the role of Harry Potter, which raises some concern for me.
  • Noma Dumezweni has been cast to play Hermione Granger. Coincidentally, Noma played on Doctor Who as a UNIT captain. However, there has been much controversy over this decision due to the fact that Dumezweni is African. Many fans argue that Hermione should be white, mostly because of the film adaptations, but Rowling herself confirmed that based off the traits that describe Hermione in the book, being African is definitely a possibility.
  • Again I have my doubts for the actor chosen to portray Ron Weasley, Paul Thornley.
Now I know that many of the fans, including yours truly, can't fly all the way to London in order to see the eighth installment of our favorite series, and as much as that pains me, there is still an option for us. The script book will be released, which puts an end to our suffering. I know this still isn't quite as good as seeing the play live, but it's better than nothing.

For more news on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, you can visit this link:

May you find peace in your fandoms.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

All Good Series' Must Come to an End

Hello fangirls and /or fanboys! I have exciting news, which is both good and bad.

First off, I finished Jessica Jones!! It ended really surprisingly, and I've got to say that although Kilgrave had his definite cons, I still already miss David Tennant's appearance. I mean, Tennant really acted so well once again, truly bringing life to his character. Although it's unfortunate that season 1 came to an end, it's been confirmed that season 2 is in progress! So I'm no doubt ecstatic for that.

Second order of business: Doctor Who. I also happened to finish season 9 (including the Christmas special) very recently. There were many moments when I gasped in astonishment throughout the season, especially
when (SPOILER ALERT) it turned out that it was the Doctor who forgot Clara, not the other way around. However, now there's a hole in my heart, seeing as season 10 won't come until 2017, which will be Steven Moffat's last season. Fear not, Whovians, for I have contacted Netflix Support at least a billion times, attempting to bring back our beloved Whoniverse so we can relive the old days in these times of pain.

As for Once Upon a Time, well, what else can be said there? I'm still hanging on tight until March 6 to see what will become of our Storybrooke civilians. There's a bunch of pictures of season 5B circulating, which you can find out about at this Instagram page

Third of all: Harry Potter. Yes, I'm that person who is still not over the end of the series, but can you blame me? But I do have some uplifting news! First of all, I'm sure you've all seen the trailer for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a spin off movie in the set Wizarding World. If not, I'll put the link on my page for you. Second of all, JK Rowling has written a play that will be performed in the UK this summer. For all of us who can't go to London, I believe a book will be released of the script/story line. I'll talk more on the casting and info of the play another time. Third of all, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is due to open this spring at Universal Studios in Los Angeles! Now, I've been to the one in Orlando, which was amazing, so I'm hoping that the one being made in LA is just as good, if not better. You can even see the castle when you drive by!

Lastly, I think it's fitting to talk about Sherlock. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to finishing it just yet, but I'll get there soon! Between my other fandoms and school, Sherlock has been neglected for a while. :(

As nostalgic as this post was, it was nice to get all the excitement out. I found it only fitting to let you guys know of my fandom status, seeing as this is a fandom blog. I hope all of you have a great week!

May you find peace in your fandoms.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

More Fandoms!!!!

Hello, my lovely viewers!! I'm back again with even more new arrivals!!

Recently, I got into Jessica Jones. I will admit that I was a little confused at the beginning, but it all got sorted out and now I'm really into it. I've got to say that I don't know what to think of Kilgrave. Sometimes I feel bad for him, but other times I really believe that he is a psychopath. For example, the whole fiasco with his parents threw me for a loop; it was truly a roller-coaster of events and emotions. His lust for Jessica is super creepy, especially the part when he made an exact copy of her childhood home, complete with all the knick-knacks.

I've also been persuaded to watch Sherlock, which I'm pleased to say is a fantastic show. It's very complex and intricate, and very very impressive. Sherlock's powers of deduction amaze me, however I am a bit disappointed that he didn't figure out who Moriarty was earlier. I had a feeling that "Jim from IT" was actually the mastermind, but it seems that Sherlock didn't catch on as quickly. As a fangirl, I'm ecstatic to announce that I officially ship JohnLock (John Watson and Sherlock). I find it absolutely hilarious when common people frequently mistake them as a couple as John frantically rushes to correct them.

Well, this has definitely made me happy to write about. It's so nice to be able to share my thoughts on various fandoms and I hope that you guys can somewhat relate. I'm always happy to read comments below if you want to take the time to talk about your fandoms. Gradually, I know I'll be sucked into even more.

May you find peace in your fandoms.
