Monday, October 5, 2015

OUAT 5x02 "The Price"

GUYS OUAT SEASON 5 EPISODE TWO WAS SO INTENSE OMG!!! I'm not going to lie, it was less intense than the premiere last week, but it was still pretty epic.

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched this episode do not read on as it will contain major spoilers.

Ok so obviously, first we have to talk about the CaptainSwan (Emma and Hook) and OutlawQueen (Robin and Regina) in this episode. 

OutlawQueen was cute as always and it warmed my heart, except for the part where that stupid knight, Percival, tried to kill Regina, so Robin fought him off and almost died. However, I have to be honest. When we came back to present time in Storybrooke and Robin was about to die, everyone (Regina, Mary Margaret, David, and Leroy) attempted to give their lives to save Robin, but that magical evil thing couldn't handle it, so it left and all was well. I just think that that little stunt was a bit stupid because 4 lives in exchange for 1 seems like a pretty crappy trade.

Now for CaptainSwan, my main OTP (One True Pairing). So back in Camelot (six weeks ago), there was a ball that everyone was invited to. After the ball, Robin got hurt and Emma had to use her magic to save him. However, using this dark magic, it began to make her dizzy, and she sort of fell into Hook's arms. Brace yourselves. They had this really really cute moment where they kissed and Snow and Charming were just awkwardly looking at them. When we come to present day in Storybrooke, Hook wanted to use true love's kiss to lift the Dark One's spell from Emma. He went to her house and they shared a passionate kiss, but Hook was disappointed because nothing happened. Way to go Adam and Eddy, take a perfectly amazing OTP moment and turn it into something bad.

So let's gloss over some other stuff that happened (I'll promise I'll make it quick). All the people from Camelot (King Arthur, Guinevere, etc.) also came over from the curse that Emma placed on everyone, causing them to forget the last six weeks. Henry met a new girl named Violet, so here we have another blossoming OTP. Back in Camelot, Regina told Arthur that she was the savior, and now (in Storybrooke) Emma is telling her that Storybrooke needs a new savior to solve their problems, and that no one believes Regina is capable. Emma tried to pull Excalibur out of its stone in her basement, but Rumple (who's just a voice inside her head) told her that she is no longer a hero, and only a hero can yield it. Blah blah blah, Merlin is stuck in an enchanted tree, etc. etc. 

I'm going to post the 5x03 promo video, but let me give you a heads up. In the promo, Emma is talking to Hook and she says, "Do you love me? If you tell me you don't love me, I will let you go." GUYS I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP!!!!!

Anyway, that's all for now. Watch Once Upon a Time on Sunday at 8 pm on ABC! :)



  1. Great blog! I don't watch OUAT but I'll consider watching it.

    1. Thanks, but I think you graded the incorrect blog. I posted this on Monday, but you were supposed to grade the one from last week.

  2. The evil creature thing was called a fury. I don't think Adam and Eddy made something bad because if you look at it your way, if they kissed and everything was back to normal than where is the drama. It showed that just loving someone won't fix everything you need to try to save them and fix it all.

    1. Good point! I'm always happy to hear the opinions of other's on something I'm so passionate about. :)

    2. Thank you but you weren't wrong either. Happy to meet another fan!
