Friday, October 16, 2015

OUAT 5x03: "Siege Perilous"

Hey guys sorry it's taken me so long to update about last Sunday's episode. I've been very busy this week. 

Disclaimer: If you have not watched this episode and do not want to have it spoiled for you, DO NOT READ ON. 

Ok I'm not going to lie, the last episode was kind of a let-down. After the first two intense episodes of the season, it was just a bit of a disappointment. 

A lot of people are hating on CaptainSwan because Hook told Emma that he loved her, in past tense. Yes, that did ruin the current progress of their relationship, but I am actually really proud of Hook. 

He chose to stay strong and not let his feelings cloud his judgement. He is choosing to save Emma from the darkness first before loving her, and refusing to believe that she is truly evil. This is very much the opposite of what  Belle did when faced with Rumple. She let her love for him blind her, so he was able to take advantage of her over and over again.

As for David and Arthur, there is much surprise there. I really loved Arthur, he's my favorite character from Camelot, and his bromance with David is just awesome, but I'm so disappointed that Arthur is lying to everyone and betraying them. Although, I can sort of understand where he's coming from because he just wants to protect his kingdom from potential threats. 

There's also Lancelot, who appears at the end of the episode to warn Snow about Arthur's deceit. However, we found out in season 2 that Lancelot was "killed" but apparently that's not the case. I, for one, think that someone else with magic is pretending to be him, just as Cora had. 
Also, I am very disappointed in Emma for using Hook to get a sword so she could wake Rumple. Since Rumple's heart is a blank slate, Emma wants to mold him into a hero so he can pull Excalibur from the stone. 

As for Regina and Zelena, I think Regina is being way to hard on Zelena. Of course, I think Zelena did a very very bad thing, but Regina is denying her another chance, when she got unlimited chances herself. 

Anyways, I want to see what happens next episode, and I'll update about it as soon as I get the chance. Once Upon a Time is on this Sunday at 8 on ABC. 


1 comment:

  1. I don't really know much about or watch this show, but I am getting some images about it from what you wrote and your criticism. Great writing!
