Friday, September 11, 2015

Snape Rant

Hi hello hi. I just really need to get this out of system (sorry in advance for all the Snape lovers out there). Ok you know what? I really need people to justify why they think Snape is a good guy. Ok, big deal, he loved Lily, but that does not excuse his actions. He abused his role as a teacher and bullied defenseless children. I know that at first this doesn't sound that horrible, but allow me to give you a few examples. Let's start with Hermione. Snape actually made fun of the size of her teeth to the point that she legitimately altered them forever, just to shut him up. Second example: Neville. A little background info about him first. Neville's parents were TORTURED INTO INSANITY by a crazy witch (see Bellatrix LeStrange). As a result, they never knew their son personally, even though he always visited them in the hospital. Now you would think that Bellatrix was Neville's worst fear, but that's where it stops. Due to the endless tormenting, Neville's worst fear was Severus Snape. Now do you see why I hate Snape? No? Then let's continue. Backtrack about 20 years and you get the Marauders at school. James and Sirius made fun of Snape sometimes for being an outcast. I get why that would make him a little upset, but the memories we see in the seventh book/movie are based off of one immature man who loved James' soulmate. So obviously he would think that James is terrible.
I'm not totally excusing James' actions, but after Lily told him to shape up, he did, just for her. You know, it's funny. Girls don't usually like it when their old childhood friend calls her a racial slur, sells her out to a serial killer, and then walks over her husband's corpse to clutch her uselessly while ignoring her traumatized child crying in the background. Just saying. Let's not forget Remus Lupin. Again we're going to give him some background info. Remus was a werewolf, and he struggled with it for his entire life, until three friends came along and made him feel like he shouldn't be alone. Fast forward, and you get Snape trying to purposefully rat him out so he loses the only income source he has. Yup, what a hero. Why'd you name your kid after him Harry?



  1. What a great rant. Snape is kind of rude if you think about it. I still think Snape is a homie.

  2. 4, great read, which I already commented :P
