Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Everything Wrong with the HP Movies Part 1

DISCLAIMER: I actually love the Harry Potter movies and have seen each of them at least a couple dozen times, but there are just so many things the movies got wrong. :/

So I'm going to start this series of posts talking about everything wrong with the Harry Potter movies. I hope you can agree with me. :)

Part 1: Ginny/Ginny + Harry
  • In the books, Ginny was a fierce, independent character, not shy.
  • Just because she liked Harry, she was NOT awkward around him all the time, contrary to the movie adaptation.
  • She was a star Quidditch player (you may have forgotten).
  • If you only watched the movies, there is no reason for Harry and Ginny to get married- it would seem like she was just an available love interest.          
  • In the books, Harry actually fell head over heels for Ginny, unlike how the movies show.
  • In the second movie, no one noticed that Ginny was literally possessed until after the fact. In the books, at least one of her brothers cared.
Anyway, this is only Part 1 of "Everything Wrong with the HP Movies". I hope you guys can relate at least a little bit, and please comment if I left anything out of this segment. Thanks!!


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