Sunday, September 27, 2015




In case you didn't figure already, I am freaking out so much. That season premiere was so intense!!!!!! Premiere recap, ready, go!

Ok so at the beginning, everyone was trying to find a way to get to the Emma because she disappeared, and we saw Emma in the Enchanted Forest trying to figure out how to get to Merlin to get some answers. Rumple appears in Emma's mind since he is the old Dark One, and he was trying to influence her to give in to the darkness. While on the way to find Merlin, Rumple tells Emma that she needs a wisp to guide her, so she bumps into Merida who, coincidentally, needed it as well.

Back in Storybrooke, Regina found a way to get to Emma, but they needed dark and light potential to fuel the wand. Hook and Regina got into this fight, Hook saying that they needed Zelena's wickedness to get to Emma, but Regina refused. Hook and Henry went behind her back and sneaked into the asylum to break Zelena out. Zelena took Hook's mini dagger, cut off her own hand so the magic-blocking bracelet thing would come off, and then she disappeared. She's a psychopath, I know.

Zelena went after Robin and took him hostage, trying to get Regina to hand over the wand so she could safely go back to Oz alone. Eventually, the entire gang tricked Zelena, and they used the power of the wand to transport Granny's Diner to the Enchanted Forest.

Meanwhile, Emma was told by Rumple that if Merida used the wisp before her, she wouldn't be able to use it until Merida died. She was  this close to crushing her heart, she was literally holding it in her hand, until her family and Hook showed up and stopped her. Naturally, this was a mega OTP moment for me, seeing as Emma and Hook were hugging and holding hands and everything, so basically I was excitedly yelling at the TV about how cute they were while my mom just awkwardly sat next to me and watched.

Emma gave the Dark One's dagger to Regina, trusting that if it ever became necessary, she could trust her to destroy her without clouded judgment. When the gang walked back to Granny's Diner, King Arthur showed up and told them that Merlin had known they would come eventually. Arthur and his knights took Mary Margaret, David, Emma, Hook, Henry, Robin, Regina, Roland, etc. to Camelot and to the castle. It was all good. Until.....

The scene blacked out and there was a time jump to six weeks later. The entire gang was back in Storybrooke, but they were all wearing medieval clothing. None of them remembered what happened after they were taken to the castle, just like the Missing Year from season 3. 

Then Emma shows up, completely decked out in black leather. She tells her parents and everyone else that whilst they had gone to the Enchanted Forest/Camelot to take the darkness away from her, they had actually failed. So basically, I screamed at the TV like a banshee on fire.

Regina reached for the dagger, knowing that now was the time to control the darkness, but grabbed at air. Emma held the dagger in front of her face, teasing with the darkness. 

Ready for the most heartbreaking part? Killian said, "Emma, why are you doing this?" with the most hurt expression ever, and Emma replied with, "Because...I'm the Dark One." And I swear to you that is the moment I died because just looking at Killian's heartbroken face was enough to shatter my soul. He had spent centuries trying to find a way to destroy the Dark One, and now found himself in the position that the Dark One was his true love, containing all the darkness. I'm not even exaggerating.

You know, I was completely fine, everyone was happy, and then BAM! A bomb is dropped on the entire fandom so we can slowly go insane for the next seven days. Thanks a lot, Adam and Eddy.

Anyway, I know I must have sounded completely insane, but it's the truth. I am just in so much emotional pain right now and the suspense is already killing me. Watch Once Upon a Time next Sunday at 8 on ABC, and you'll know what I'm talking about. :/


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Marauders Part 1

Hi again! So this week I've decided to start another thing where I just talk about the Marauders, separately or as a whole. :)

So I don't think anyone really understands the strong emotions connected with the Marauders. They were each so different, but yet made such a perfect group of friends. They did anything for each other, which honestly warms my heart on a thousand different levels (illegally turning into Animagi just so their friend wouldn't feel alone). 

But the most tragic part of their beautiful friendship was how everything turned out in the end. October 31, 1981, James and Lily Potter were murdered, and Sirius Black, one of their best friends, was thought to be the one who ratted them out to a serial killer. Sirius was sent to jail without a trial, and his other best friend, Remus Lupin, was disappointed, because, at the time, he thought Sirius to be guilty. But hold up, their other friend, Peter Pettigrew, was the actual traitor, but he got off the hook by turning into a rat and making everyone believe that Sirius had killed him. Crazy right?

Us fans all know this story, and as sad as you may think it is, we've emotionally been through everything with the characters. 

Anyway, Sirius went to jail, Remus was heartbroken, James was dead, and Peter was nowhere to be found. Or so you think.

Fast forward 12 years and Sirius breaks out of jail to kill Peter for betraying them. Remus learns that Sirius is actually innocent and helps Sirius break in.

Now, everyone still thought Sirius was a mass murderer, and they thought that he was out to kill Harry, even though he was Harry's godfather. This whole misunderstanding led to Harry actually thinking that his godfather was trying to track him down to murder him. But this was not the case.

You guys already know the rest of the story, and if you don't, then go read the third book or at least watch the third movie.

Here's the original thing I wanted to talk about, though. Harry grew up without his parents or any respectable parental figures. Even though his dad's friends would have all been suitable, (except for Peter) none of them were available.

So here we've got the murdered one, the outcast, the wanted, and the traitor. Here we've got the Marauders.


A/N There will be more posts exclusively about the Marauders. Oh, and I have this awesome fanfiction just about the Marauders at school that you can find on Wattpad at the first link of the new "Fan Made" section on my page. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Guys, Once Upon a Time comes back in one week!!!! And if that's not good enough already, tonight ABC is showing the last two episodes of season 4. Let's just talk about the finale for a minute....The last we saw of Emma, she got sucked up by darkness and disappeared, the Dark One's dagger in her place, showing her name. The Apprentice (before he died) also said that only one person can control the darkness, and that is Merlin. In the season 5 promo video, and news from Comic Con, we now know that Once Upon a Time is venturing into the world of Camelot, and we will also be seeing the Brave princess, Merida. At Comic Con, Ginnifer Goodwin and the rest of the cast revealed that one of the main characters has an immediate connection to her. What's more, in the promo, we see Zelena attacking Killian, so obviously we have to figure out what in the world that's about. And of course, we have to see Killian's reaction to losing his true love, although some spoiler pictures that are circling give us a few ideas....There's only seven days left until our questions are answered and our five-month suffering will come to an end. Starting September 27, Once Upon a Time Season 5 will be on ABC every Sunday night at 8. :))


P.S. Here is the link for the season 5 promo video if you want to watch it:

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Everything Wrong with the HP Movies Part 1

DISCLAIMER: I actually love the Harry Potter movies and have seen each of them at least a couple dozen times, but there are just so many things the movies got wrong. :/

So I'm going to start this series of posts talking about everything wrong with the Harry Potter movies. I hope you can agree with me. :)

Part 1: Ginny/Ginny + Harry
  • In the books, Ginny was a fierce, independent character, not shy.
  • Just because she liked Harry, she was NOT awkward around him all the time, contrary to the movie adaptation.
  • She was a star Quidditch player (you may have forgotten).
  • If you only watched the movies, there is no reason for Harry and Ginny to get married- it would seem like she was just an available love interest.          
  • In the books, Harry actually fell head over heels for Ginny, unlike how the movies show.
  • In the second movie, no one noticed that Ginny was literally possessed until after the fact. In the books, at least one of her brothers cared.
Anyway, this is only Part 1 of "Everything Wrong with the HP Movies". I hope you guys can relate at least a little bit, and please comment if I left anything out of this segment. Thanks!!


Friday, September 11, 2015

Snape Rant

Hi hello hi. I just really need to get this out of system (sorry in advance for all the Snape lovers out there). Ok you know what? I really need people to justify why they think Snape is a good guy. Ok, big deal, he loved Lily, but that does not excuse his actions. He abused his role as a teacher and bullied defenseless children. I know that at first this doesn't sound that horrible, but allow me to give you a few examples. Let's start with Hermione. Snape actually made fun of the size of her teeth to the point that she legitimately altered them forever, just to shut him up. Second example: Neville. A little background info about him first. Neville's parents were TORTURED INTO INSANITY by a crazy witch (see Bellatrix LeStrange). As a result, they never knew their son personally, even though he always visited them in the hospital. Now you would think that Bellatrix was Neville's worst fear, but that's where it stops. Due to the endless tormenting, Neville's worst fear was Severus Snape. Now do you see why I hate Snape? No? Then let's continue. Backtrack about 20 years and you get the Marauders at school. James and Sirius made fun of Snape sometimes for being an outcast. I get why that would make him a little upset, but the memories we see in the seventh book/movie are based off of one immature man who loved James' soulmate. So obviously he would think that James is terrible.
I'm not totally excusing James' actions, but after Lily told him to shape up, he did, just for her. You know, it's funny. Girls don't usually like it when their old childhood friend calls her a racial slur, sells her out to a serial killer, and then walks over her husband's corpse to clutch her uselessly while ignoring her traumatized child crying in the background. Just saying. Let's not forget Remus Lupin. Again we're going to give him some background info. Remus was a werewolf, and he struggled with it for his entire life, until three friends came along and made him feel like he shouldn't be alone. Fast forward, and you get Snape trying to purposefully rat him out so he loses the only income source he has. Yup, what a hero. Why'd you name your kid after him Harry?


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Introduction :)

Hey guys! This is going to be sort of my introduction for my blog. A little background info first: I am actually the biggest Harry Potter fan, meaning I know all the theories, events, birthdays, characters, etc. I am also a huge Once Upon a Time fan. On this blog I'm going to put my random opinions or rants, things like that. I might just get some random urge to talk about something that really bothers me about either fandom, mostly the HP one though. I also write a fanfic which is like the coolest thing ever, so I might talk about it sometimes. I really hope that some of my fellow fangirls (and fanboys) can relate to what I write, because honestly, one of the most important thing about being part of a fandom is that we're connected on so many levels. After all, fandom means family, and that means no one gets left behind at the mental institute. :)  It's going to be at most a week or so before I update again, but it's all good. Something will probably come to me before then. Bye for now!!

-- @onceuponatimeinhogwarts