Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Arrivals and New Changes

Hello again!! It's been a while since I was last seen on this website, but I'm back and ready to blog!

I think you've all noticed that my page has been refined a bit. This is just to formalize everything and make it all look nice and professional (ish).

Second order of business: new arrivals. Well, quite recently, I've gotten into Doctor Who. It's an amazing show and I have my friend, Marissa, to thank for introducing me to it. Naturally, it makes me cry, laugh, and just plain smile all at the same time. I'd even go far enough to admit that it is one of my main sources of happiness. Welcome to the fandom world, where all your emotions revolve around mostly fictional characters.

You may have also noticed that the title of my blog differs from what it was before. I just thought I would widen the range of fandoms so that everyone is welcome. You can pour out your thoughts about any and all fandoms and maybe I'll even talk more about it in depth.

I guess that since I have the time right now, I'll just fill you in on some things going on in my fandoms. :)

  • Once Upon a Time: A new promo poster has been introduced for Season 5B featuring everyone's favorite pirate. You can find out all about it here. Still traumatized by the mid season finale, us fangirls are trying to cope with our emotional debris as well as we can. This includes research about new characters being introduced, which you can read about here. In addition, Wes Brown will be portraying Belle's admirer, Gaston, which was previously played by Sage Brocklebank. But wait, I have more exciting news! Bernard Curry is returning to portray Hook's lovely brother, Liam. MINOR SPOILER: We'll be seeing Hook, Liam, and Emma together in the first half of 5B. And of course, Robbie Kay is also coming back as the infamous Peter Pan.
  • Harry Potter: Unforturnately, the lovely Alan Rickman passed away quite recently due to cancer. Although I am not a fan of Snape, Alan portrayed him beautifully, and he will never be forgotten. 
  • Doctor Who: Beware, major spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen at least half of season 7.  Now I'm going into fangirl mode. I CAN'T BELIEVE AMY AND RORY ARE GONE! I LOVED THEM SO MUCH AND SOME STUPID WEEPING ANGELS HAD TO TAKE THEM BACK IN TIME! Also, I don't really like Clara. I don't know why-there's just something about her. In addition, MY HEART ABSOLUTELY MELTED WHEN THE DOCTOR AND RIVER GOT MARRIED IN SEASON 6! THEY ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE AND I HOPE RIVER GETS TO COME BACK SOON! I'm also so excited to watch the episode where Ten and Eleven meet because I think it's going to be absolutely brilliant. I love the way David Tennant plays the Tenth Doctor, and how Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor. They really bring something to their characters.
Well friends, that's all for now. But expect to be seeing more of me in the upcoming week. I hope you all have a good weekend and don't forget to follow your dreams (because that's the kind of person I am).

May you find peace in your fandoms.



  1. Your page honestly looks really good. I love the simplicity of it! Awesome post!

  2. Haha I just finished that episode of Doctor Who and I feel you. I was crying hysterically. I loved them so much and they will forever live in our hearts along with everyone else who has died in that show...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
