Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Doctor Who Inspired Story

Hello again! This will probably be my last post of the month, but I just wanted to share a short story that I wrote for class. As you can tell by the title, it was inspired by the Doctor Who 2x11 episode, "Fear Her." Enjoy!

I woke up in a daze and looked at the clock. It was 9:00! Why didn't my alarm go off for class? Exhausted, I rolled over in bed and buried my head in my pillow. It was too late to get up and put an effort into getting ready, so I decided to give up and miss class for the day.
After an hour of laying in bed, I got up and brushed my teeth and tamed my wild bed head. I ate some cereal and sat in front of my laptop watching Doctor Who. I was currently rewatching the episode in which an alien possessed a little girl and made drawings that came to life. About twenty minutes in, I dozed off in front of the laptop.
I opened my eyes and found myself in the middle of a quaint little street. The lawns of each house were evenly cut and each house looked surprisingly similar. I knocked on the door of the first house I saw.
A dark skinned woman answered and nervously asked, "What is it? What do you want?" in a thick British accent.
"Can you tell me where I am?" I asked politely.
The lady looked very irritated. "What are you, daft? Just run along." The door slammed in my face.
I shook off the woman's rudeness and continued down the street. Suddenly, a blonde haired girl, I'd say about 20 years old, and a man in a suit ran past me.
"I'm telling you, Doctor!" the blonde girl exclaimed. "It's that girl in the house over there!"
In a defeated tone, the man replied, "You might be right, Rose. I say we pay the little girl and her mum a little visit."
The pair continued running, leaving me bewildered in the middle of the road. Doctor? Rose? It couldn't be. Suddenly, a short stick figure walked up to me and pulled on my jacket. "Excuse me, miss. Do you know where I can find a little darks skinned girl. She's about twelve years old."
I began to shake my head when I looked up at the window of the house that I had visited before. A girl that matched the description the stick figure gave me was looking straight at me. I turned to tell the figure but it had disappeared before I could say anything. I walked up to the house for the second time and knocked on the door. This time, the man who I'd seen running down the street answered. I took a closer look at his face.
"No way," I muttered.
The man looked at me in confusion. "I'm sorry?" he said. "Did you need something?"
"A-are you the Doctor?" I stuttered in disbelief.
The man's face lit up as he replied, "Yes I am. How can I help you?"
I couldn't believe this! I was meeting the Doctor! But how? As much as I wanted a Time Lord to whisk me away into his TARDIS, I knew it was just sci-fi. It couldn't be real. Or could it? 
"Um...Hello Doctor. My name's Kimia and I'm 23 years old. Could you help me with something?" I said, pausing occasionally between words.
The Doctor smiled. "I'm always happy to help. Well, not always-most of the time though. Well....." he trailed off in deep thought.
I couldn't help but smile. This is the Doctor I grew to love in the show. And I was actually talking to him!
"Oi! Who's that you're talking to?" A female voice shouted from inside, getting closer with each growing footstep.
It was her! Rose! This all seemed too unreal.
"Rose, this is Kimia. Kimia, this is my...uh..my friend, Rose," the Doctor introduced, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
Rose and I shook hands. I turned to the Doctor and said, "Doctor, I really do need your help."
"Here, take this," he told me, handing me a key. "Go down the street and turn a corner. You'll find a blue box at the end. This key unlocks it. Let yourself inside and go downstairs. Wait for me for about an hour or so. I'll come back."
I nodded in understanding. On the inside, I was containing my excitement. He gave me the key to his TARDIS! I, Kimia Abbassi, was actually holding the key to the Doctor's TARDIS!
As I walked away, I heard Rose say, "Are you sure about her, Doctor? There's something that seems...I don't know...off."
Shaking it off, I walked to the end of the street and immediately spotted the blue police phone box that was the TARDIS. I stepped inside and looked around. I couldn't help but run all over the place in glee. I ran down the stairs and encountered two doors. One was regular and one looked like a child's drawing. Surprisingly like something had drawn as a child. I opened the unusual door and out scattered all kinds of bent and scribbled figures. I jumped back and closed the door. How was this possible? Then I remembered what happened in the episode of Doctor Who I was watching. I remembered what the Doctor had said. 'If living things can become drawings, then maybe drawings can become living things.'
After an hour of waiting, I heard the Doctor and Rose's voices, as promised. But they were talking to each other about something, as if they'd forgotten I was even there.
"The Isolus has caused a lot of pain for these people," I heard Rose try to explain to the Doctor.
"It's a child," the Doctor replied. "That's why it went to Chloe. Two lonely, mixed-up kids." 
Rose and the Doctor continued speaking. I thought it would be best to stay out of it until they were done. A few minutes later I heard the door open and close, so I ran upstairs. The Doctor and Rose were gone. A split second later, I got a sudden headache, as if my mind was being forced somewhere. I pulled open the door of the TARDIS and stepped outside. It was like I was enclosed in a white space with no end. I spotted a few children huddled together in fright. After a while of looking for God knows what, I caught sight of a man in a suit, pulsing a sonic screwdriver all over the place.
"Doctor!" I yelled, loud enough for the man to turn around.
All of a sudden, the information came flooding back to me. In the episode, right after the Doctor and Rose exited the TARDIS, he had disappeared on the spot, along with the TARDIS itself. And I was inside the TARDIS, so I got zapped into this nothingness with it. Think, Kimia: why are you here? I asked myself. Of course! Chloe, the little girl in the episode! She could make things appear or disappear just by drawing it. She'd drawn the Doctor and his TARDIS.
"We're in a space of nothingness, a void if you will," the Doctor began to explain."The Isolus inside Chloe must've drawn me, but why you?"
After a few more moments, he said, "Ah of course! She drew the TARDIS and you were inside! I'm terribly sorry I forgot about you, what with everything that's happening. Oh my bad, you don't know what's happening. Maybe I should expl-" I cut him short.
"I know more than you think, Doctor," I told him. "Let me explain." 
The Doctor shut his mouth and listened. I told him all about how I had woken up in the street and about how this was all just part of the episode for me. I told him that it wasn't a dream, it couldn't be, and that a bunch of figures that I'd drawn as a child so many years ago were turning up all over the place. I also secretively implied that he should make a move on Rose before it was too late, but that's not the point.v
"Well..." the Doctor said after I finished speaking. "Seems to me that the Isolus dragged you into this parallel world, which explains what it could be other than a mere dream. Chloe Webber, the little girl hosting the Isolus, targeted you for some reason, making copies of your childhood drawings. The question is why? What makes you so special?" He put on his glasses and examined my face.
I pushed him back. "I don't know," I admitted. "And frankly, Doctor, I don't care. Please just get me back home."
The Doctor looked at me sadly. "Are you sure you don't want to come along with me once all this is over? All of time and space. I'm sure Rose wouldn't mind,' he pleaded.
"I'm sorry," I shook my head. "But after I'm gone, I need you to do me a favor. You need to take me out of Rose's memory. I can't linger there and mess up your future."
"Time can be rewritten," he tried to tell me, sounding like a few of his future companions.
Quoting the great River Song, I plainly said, "Not those times. Don't you dare."
He nodded. Suddenly, a scribble monster started to attack us. The Doctor looked into my eyes, grabbed my hand and whispered, "Run."
Together, we sprinted to the TARDIS and locked ourselves inside. The Doctor walked up to the TARDIS console and typed some things in. The lights dimmed as these sparkly substances came down on me and encircled me.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" the Doctor asked once more.
I nodded. "Forget me, I'll be ok. Rose needs you and you alone. And you need Rose."
I placed my hand on his shoulder and spoke my last words to him. "Good luck, Doctor. I'm sure you'll be fantastic."
Before I knew it, there was a blinding gold light and I was back in my room, exactly in the same position I was before. The scene playing on my laptop was the end of the episode. For a split second, I could see a look of sadness on the Doctor's face, as if he remembered me. But it disappeared when he saw Rose, which couldn't make me happier. Quite right too, I told myself happily.
As I watched the Doctor's face fade on my screen, I whispered, "Run you clever boy, and remember me."
The end.

Well I hope all you Whovians enjoyed all of the Doctor Who references. It's probably easier for you guys to understand the story than for my teacher, haha. Until next time!

May you find peace in your fandoms.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, and Capaldi (aka Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve)

Hi, I'm back! This time I'll be talking about the four actors who play our beloved Doctor in the new version of Doctor Who (running for about 10 years). I'll go through each individually so I can attempt to thoroughly explain my feelings for all of them.

Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor):

  • I loved Christopher Eccleston's performance so much. How couldn't I? He was the Doctor that I first met and grew to adore. The Ninth Doctor is the one who kicks of the series and resumes the adventures through time and space. 
  • I'd have to say that my favorite moment shared between Rose and Nine was in 1x10 "The Doctor Dances", where Rose tried to teach him how to dance properly. Obviously, this episode was also packed with our favorite Torchwood star, Captain Jack Harkness.
  • I don't think words can describe how funny and adventurous I find the Ninth Doctor. Obviously, he couldn't have been given that personality without the charisma of Christopher Eccleston.
  • It was heartbreaking for me to see our beloved Nine leave after one season. For me, it was all very new as it was the first regeneration I'd seen in the show, so that made it all the more painful. I loved Nine so much and think he deserved another season, but I've been told that Christopher Eccleston quit the show, resulting in the loss of the Ninth Doctor.

David Tennant (Tenth Doctor):

  • The most important thing I have to say about the Tenth Doctor is that he had, by far, the most heartbreaking and dramatic impact on the show. This all comes from David Tennant's beautiful acting, so I daresay he deserved the Special Recognition Award for TV.
  • As we see in season two, Ten's relationship with Rose develops much farther than that of his former persona. One of the top saddest moments of seasons two-four was his goodbye scene with Rose in 2x13 "Doomsday", in which the Doctor didn't have the chance to say goodbye to Rose.
  • Before I go any further, I have to admit something very tragic. At the beginning of season 2, I was wary of the Tenth Doctor, because it was new and unusual to me. Naturally, this happened to the rest of the Doctor's regenerations, but I end up loving each and every one.
  • I must admit that I bawled my eyes out when Ten regenerated, and that's not even an exaggeration. All of the drama of that episode built up and destroyed me. Fun Fact: Did you know that the last line the Tenth Doctor said before regenerating ("I don't want to go") was unscripted? That just goes to show how much talent David Tennant possesses, enough to make us fangirls cry uncontrollably with a single sentence.
  • Another thing I love about David Tennant is that, as a kid, he was a fanboy of Doctor Who. Look where he ended up! I guess you could say that he followed his dreams.

Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor):

  • I can safely say that Matt Smith started off the Eleventh Doctor the right way. David Tennant is a very tough act to follow, and I've got to say that I had my doubts. However, Matt brought so much energy and hilarity to the Doctor that I very much enjoyed watching.
  • Eleven's companions were among the best. Young Amelia Pond was the first person the Eleventh Doctor ever saw, which makes her so so special. All grown up, Amy puts the Doctor in line but is generally a go-with-the-flow kind of girl. What I mean is that she just goes along with the next threat, unless it has to do with her husband or daughter. Husband: Rory Williams. Oh gosh, I love Rory so much. As many times as he died, he always came back, except for the heartbreaking episode, "The Angels Take Manhattan." It was terrible to see Amy and Rory go, and I don't think my heart has fully recovered yet. And now, for the person you've all been waiting to read about, Amy and Rory's daughter, Melody Pond, aka River Song. River keeps meeting the Doctor in all the wrong orders, travelling through space and time. River and Eleven are my power couple, no joke. When they got married, my little shipper heart exploded. I love all the jokes they make with each other and could not fathom a time when River and Eleven aren't together.
  • I've talked about this before, but the Eleventh Doctor has his own unique personality. While Nine is war-bent and Ten is dramatic, Eleven is quirky and carefree. His encounters with Craig and Alfie crack me up, and there's much more where that came from.
  • If you guys are ever bored, go on YouTube and find behind-the-scenes videos of Karen Gillan and Matt Smith. I promise it will make your day because they are absolutely adorable and hilarious. I'll link some of these videos on my page. *insert Doctor Who theme song here* 
  • I was a little confused with the Eleventh Doctor's regeneration. How did he grow old on Tenzalore? How did he muster up the energy to perform another regeneration? Isn't that all against the laws of time and space? But then again, when has the Doctor followed the rules? (If you have explanations for any of these questions, don't hesitate to write them in the comments!)

Peter Capaldi (Twelfth Doctor):

  • At the beginning of season 8, I again had my doubts about the new Doctor. However, in time, Twelve began to grow on me. Peter Capaldi portrays him quite differently. The Twelfth Doctor is serious and jokes around at the same time. He seems very protective of Clara. Many people look at Twelve and think of him as Clara's father, but I don't really see it that way. I don't consider him a romantic interest either, though. To me, Twelve and Clara are like old friends, which is lovely to think about. Unfortunately, I am not finished with season 8 quite yet, so I don't know everything about the Twelfth Doctor, but I do have a few questions. Peter Capaldi played a character in the season two epsiode, "The Fires of Pompeii", and the Twelfth Doctor himself speculated about why he had transformed into that face. My question is this: is it ever explained why he took the face of someone he saved out of guilt? My theory is that he subconsciously chose it as a reminder, but who knows. Those eyebrows are unpredictable. *laughs*
I know this was an extra long post, but I just couldn't go another day without sharing my thoughts on this subject. I'll be updating later this week so stay tuned!

May you find peace in your fandoms.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Arrivals and New Changes

Hello again!! It's been a while since I was last seen on this website, but I'm back and ready to blog!

I think you've all noticed that my page has been refined a bit. This is just to formalize everything and make it all look nice and professional (ish).

Second order of business: new arrivals. Well, quite recently, I've gotten into Doctor Who. It's an amazing show and I have my friend, Marissa, to thank for introducing me to it. Naturally, it makes me cry, laugh, and just plain smile all at the same time. I'd even go far enough to admit that it is one of my main sources of happiness. Welcome to the fandom world, where all your emotions revolve around mostly fictional characters.

You may have also noticed that the title of my blog differs from what it was before. I just thought I would widen the range of fandoms so that everyone is welcome. You can pour out your thoughts about any and all fandoms and maybe I'll even talk more about it in depth.

I guess that since I have the time right now, I'll just fill you in on some things going on in my fandoms. :)

  • Once Upon a Time: A new promo poster has been introduced for Season 5B featuring everyone's favorite pirate. You can find out all about it here. Still traumatized by the mid season finale, us fangirls are trying to cope with our emotional debris as well as we can. This includes research about new characters being introduced, which you can read about here. In addition, Wes Brown will be portraying Belle's admirer, Gaston, which was previously played by Sage Brocklebank. But wait, I have more exciting news! Bernard Curry is returning to portray Hook's lovely brother, Liam. MINOR SPOILER: We'll be seeing Hook, Liam, and Emma together in the first half of 5B. And of course, Robbie Kay is also coming back as the infamous Peter Pan.
  • Harry Potter: Unforturnately, the lovely Alan Rickman passed away quite recently due to cancer. Although I am not a fan of Snape, Alan portrayed him beautifully, and he will never be forgotten. 
  • Doctor Who: Beware, major spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen at least half of season 7.  Now I'm going into fangirl mode. I CAN'T BELIEVE AMY AND RORY ARE GONE! I LOVED THEM SO MUCH AND SOME STUPID WEEPING ANGELS HAD TO TAKE THEM BACK IN TIME! Also, I don't really like Clara. I don't know why-there's just something about her. In addition, MY HEART ABSOLUTELY MELTED WHEN THE DOCTOR AND RIVER GOT MARRIED IN SEASON 6! THEY ARE THE CUTEST COUPLE AND I HOPE RIVER GETS TO COME BACK SOON! I'm also so excited to watch the episode where Ten and Eleven meet because I think it's going to be absolutely brilliant. I love the way David Tennant plays the Tenth Doctor, and how Matt Smith plays the Eleventh Doctor. They really bring something to their characters.
Well friends, that's all for now. But expect to be seeing more of me in the upcoming week. I hope you all have a good weekend and don't forget to follow your dreams (because that's the kind of person I am).

May you find peace in your fandoms.
