Friday, November 6, 2015

OUAT 5x06: "The Bear and the Bow"

I'm back with my weekly review!! This time we'll be talking about last Sunday's episode, "The Bear and the Bow."

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched this episode and do not want it to be spoiled for you, then DO NOT read on.

Alright, so I'm just going to jump right in. :)

So we got a flashback to Camelot. Hook, Charming, Belle, and Merlin broke into the castle so they could free Merida and Lancelot. While walking in the woods afterwards, Merida knocked Belle out and kidnapped her. I know that sounds bizarre, I thought so too. In fact, for a few seconds I really hated Merida, but it all became clear. Merida kidnapped Belle so that Belle could help her find her brothers. Merida's brothers had been kidnapped by the other clans because the other clans didn't think Merida was a fit queen and were trying to get her to step down. Merida wanted Belle to help her brew the potion that turns her into a bear so she could battle the clans, but Belle wouldn't let her drink it. Instead, Merida was forced to fight herself and eventually her brothers were freed. That absolutely warmed my heart.

Back in Storybrooke, Rumple escaped and went to find Belle. Emma told Merida to find Belle and try to kill her because that was the only way to get Rumple to be brave. Merida basically chased Rumple and Belle around the town, until Rumple decided that they should leave town. Belle told him that the reason he was a coward was because he kept running away from his problems, so she left him to go by himself. BAM, Merida showed up again, turned into a bear (because Emma forced her to), and started to chase after Belle to kill her. Eventually, Rumple showed up to save her and that's how he became a hero.

After this, he pulled the sword from the stone and gave it to Emma. He told her that she made a big mistake turning him into a hero because now he was heroic enough to take her down. However, I think this is wrong. Rumple's character is not fit to be a hero, and I think that somewhere along the way, the bravery will fade. 

In addition, the original gang tried to contact Merlin using this magic mushroom they found. The message they were given was that the only one who could help was Nimue. Spoiler pictures announce that Nimue and Merlin loved each other, so we'll see what happens with that.

By the way, there have been major events going on in the OUAT world. There have been many spoilers revealed, but I don't want to put you guys on the emotional roller coaster I've been on. If you want to know, you can check all social media and I assure you that you'll find them. Don't forget to watch Once Upon a Time this Sunday at 8 pm on ABC.


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