Saturday, October 31, 2015

OUAT 5x05: "Dreamcatcher"

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to upload this post-this week has been kind of hectic for me again. Anyway, here's my view on last Sunday's episode of OUAT!!

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched this episode and do not want it to be spoiled for you, DO NOT READ ON.

Ok so basically, I am really mad at Emma. I can't believe she would actually break her own son's heart by telling the girl he likes to reject him and utterly humiliate him. Honestly, Henry and Violet are such a cute couple, and Emma had to just ruin it. However, when Violet kissed him at the end of the episode, he definitely deserved it. You had to watch it to understand.

On a different note, I think that Merida could be Rumple's salvation. She is the only one who's trying to push him to be less of a coward, while everyone else just sort of accepted him in all of his dreadfulness, including Belle.

And, can we please acknowledge the fact that Emma took everyone's memories using dream catchers?! I mean, dream catchers, or "fly paper for nightmares", have always meant a lot to Emma, considering the fact that Neal gave her one long ago. Don't get me wrong, I am the ultimate CaptainSwan shipper, but Swanfire/Swanthief (Emma + Neal) hits me right in the feels every time.

Oh, I forgot to mention one little thing: Merlin was freed from the tree!! I already love Merlin, and I am dying to know why he isn't in Storybrooke. Hopefully, we will get more information in the next episode.

So that about wraps up my opinion on the most recent episode. Don't forget to watch Once Upon a Time tomorrow at 8 pm PST on ABC!


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