Thursday, October 1, 2015

Everything Wrong with the HP Movies Part 2

Disclaimer: I actually love the HP movies and all credits to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. There's just so many things the movies got wrong.

Part 2: Peeves
  • If you have only watched the Harry Potter movies and did not read the books, you will have no idea who Peeves is.
  • Peeves is the poltergeist of the school, and basically pranks everyone he sees.
  • The only people that Peeves listened to were the Bloody Baron and Fred and George Weasley.
  • Peeves was present in every single book and was not in a single movie.
  • His best moments were in OotP, but obviously we never got to see him in action on the big screen.
Personally, I never have understood why movie script writers change so many things in the transition from book to movie. In a book, you basically have all the dialogue and action, play by play written out in front of you, so it makes no sense to stray from that. It would obviously be way too much work to recreate all of the movies, though, seeing as all eight took about 10 years to produce. See, the thing is even though it would be longer, I would much rather watch a three to four hour movie that completely followed the book. 



  1. Very true! I've seen all of the movies a few times, but never read the books. Peeves is definitely an unfamiliar name to me!

  2. Yes, I agree! I have seen some of the movies, but I have never read the books. I'll start reading them when I get a chance!
