Wednesday, May 4, 2016

OUAT 5x19: "Sisters" & 5x20: "Firebird

Since I missed a blog post last week, I knew I had to make it up by doubling this week's post, so without further ado, I present my review on Once Upon A Time's last two episodes, "Sisters" and "Firebird".

DISCLAIMER: If you have not watched these episodes and don't want them to be spoiled for you, then DO NOT READ ON.

5x19: "Sisters":

So this episode was actually pretty emotional for me (the next one was too, but we'll get to that later). I know everyone hates Cora, and trust me, I hate Cora too. However, it was so touching to watch her bid farewell to her daughters and move on.

Speaking of Cora's daughters, Zelena and Regina were absolutely heartwarming together this episode. I found it so interesting that they had been so close to each other before Cora erased their memories. In addition, the way they found comfort in each other after Cora's departure warmed my heart.

One thing I didn't really understand in this episode was the whole James/Charming thing. First of all (and I think this can be said on behalf of all of us), James really needed to chill. I mean, I can understand his anger over Charming "stealing his glory" or whatever, but not enough to want to kill him. Also (I don't think I've said this before), Cruella and James' behavior together is just so awkward to watch, the way they're pressed up against each other.

5x20: "Firebird":

Who's ready for heartbreak #2? You might want to grab some tissues and a pillow to cry into, because this episode was a whole lot more emotional. In the three seasons that I have been shipping CaptainSwan, I've had my heart crushed about 134 times. Well prepare yourselves for #135.

The worst thing about all heartbreaking CaptainSwan-centered episodes are that they start off really innocent and cute. Then, once you think you're safe, Adam and Eddy laugh in your face and give you hell. Basically, CaptainSwan was finally confirmed True Love after three years, which was a big deal for us Oncers because literally every other ship had been confirmed before CS. Then, the ambrosia tree (which would help Hook get out of the Underworld) was cut down, so Hook couldn't leave. There aren't enough words in the English vocabulary that can perfectly comprehend how much emotion was in the goodbye between Hook and Emma. You know what? I'll just put the link on my page so you can relive the emotional trauma.

In addition, I am once again ticked off by Hades. I was really really starting to trust him, and then he just turned around and betrayed all of the heroes and lied to Zelena. I mean, I really do trust Zelena, who really wanted to get her sister and everyone else safely out of the Underworld. But I swear to god I will hit Hades upside the head for being such an insufferable weasel.

Well, that's basically all my emotions spelled out for you. I'll post the link to the heartbreaking CS moment and to the promo for this Sunday's episode. Don't forget to watch!

May you find peace in your fandoms.
